Florian Daniel
Craniosacral Biodynamics
Holistic Therapies
Excerpts from my Vita :
Examination in Physical Therapy at `School for Holistic Physical Therapy in Emmendingen`, Germany ( 2010 )
Structural Integration (Dr. Ida Rolf) with H.G. Brecklinghaus DGSI , Freiburg (2011-2012)
Biodynamic Craniosacral Touch (Initiatory) with Giorgia Milne in Hamburg and Norwich (UK) (2017 / 2019)
Craniosacral Biodynamics , Badenweiler with Michael Shea (2019)
Craniosacral Foundational Training , Vöckelsbach with Elke Angermann (2019 - 2020)
Jin Shin Jyutsu with Petra Elmendorf and Anja Bettina Hell in Freiburg (2018 /2020)
Founding of LebensRaum (2021) : Custom Made Barefoot Sandals - Natural Footwear Handmade in Black Forest, Germany
Book translation into German : Metamorphose - Bewussheit durch Berührung von Cindy Silverlock (Metamorphosis - Creating consciousness through touch) (since 2022)
Healing based on ´A Course in Miracle´ - Circle of Atonement / Robert Perry (2023)
Craniosacral Vascular Therapy with the Heart and Blood Vessels with Joachim Lichtenberg, Tübingen (2023)
Responsible for this page :
Florian Daniel
Klotzbergstraße 32
77830 Bühlertal
Phone : 07223 / 9195278
email: info@praxis-freiraum.one
Tax number: 36115/10049
Tax office Bühl / Baden
Klotzbergstraße 32
77830 Bühlertal
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