Florian Daniel
Development, manufacturing, distribution
Active in the Field of Body Work and Health since 2004. Passionate about being and moving consciously in nature. Grounding (Earthing) has become an everyday activity for me.
Craniosacral Biodynamics showed me the oneness of the subtle and material aspects of our being. The stillness and embodied awareness of craniosacral work is a huge contribution in the journey of remembering Wholeness.
Also in 2020 I discovered barefeet walking and -shoes realizing that the feet are literally fundamental for our overall well-being. I began to see and sense how conventional shoes restrict and deform the feet. From then I began wearing feet-friendly shoes and creating own Soulmates Sandals and Secondskins to experience toe freedom and to gain back a more natural connection to the ground.
I hope to contribute with LebensRaum to more awareness for the energies of the earth and sky which nourish human beings. And to offer tools that can be good companions on the journey of Self Discovery and Well-being.
Eva Dumitrescu
Development, graphicdesign,
webpresence & social media
An architecture graduate, I have explored many fields since 2013, illustration and graphic design, non-formal education in alternative settings, permaculture design and hands on healing, just to name a few.
After 2 months of living barefoot in nature in 2016, while being part of an alternative school on the outskirts of Bangalore India, I realised that direct contact to the Earth’s surface is deeply healing. My body changed and healed physical symptoms that were with me for years, in that short time.
In the years to come after that I delved deeper into energy work and hands-on healing through the tools of Access Consciousness, that I even facilitated for 3 years.
In May of 2020 I saw the Earthing movie, got to know the science behind grounding and discovered that now grounding can be done indoors too! I also started to practise walking barefoot again on a daily basis, more consciously.
One year later all this inspiration came together in LebensRaum, that is dedicated to bringi the natural energies of life back in people’s lives! Making them available even in urban settings, through orgone generating products, grounding products and barefoot shoes!
Now my heart fills with joy for having the opportunity of sharing these tools with the world and also continuing to explore more of what they create on a personal level for me and my body.
Visit : https://evadumitrescu.ro/
Philosophy of LebensRaum
LebensRaum and Soulmates Natural Footwear were created in a sense of a human friendly economy.
Economy for Common Good and Post Growth Economy are models we are fond of.
We want to cultivate a Need-based production vs. a Greed-based production.
So to a large degree we are manufacturing on demand instead of doing overproduction and storage.
We want to keep a personal connection to our customers and offer customized works. Having a sense of the exchange in the connection of customer- manufacturer also helps the products in their long livity. We repair the products for a fair price and show how to care for the products. ( See `Repair if you care` by Vibram )
We prioritize human friendly and earth friendly technologies. This involves hand labour and getting materials , where possible, from local sources in Southern Germany.
Also the inner aspect of materials is in our awareness. Tools and products we use in our daily life are reflections of our inner world and inner journey. In that sense a different relationship to the material world can emerge. We hope to contribute to a change in consciousness in the economic and productive systems by raising the awareness what is required and what is valuable with regard to inner unfoldment.
Klotzbergstraße 32
77830 Bühlertal
Wenn du bergauf mit dem Auto kommst, befindet sich auf der rechten Straßenseite eine Parkbucht, in der man kosten-los parken kann.